Adolescent Therapy

Developmentally, puberty is accompanied by major physical and emotional changes that alter a young person’s relationships and patterns of interaction with others. Their brains are changing with an explosion and expulsion of neurons which affect’s an adolescent’s judgment, communication, empathy, emotional stability, and perception of social cues. The transition into adolescence begins the move toward independence from parents and the need to establish one’s own values, personal and sexual identity, as well as gaining the skills and competencies needed to be successful in adulthood. Adapting to all of these changes in relationships, social contexts, status, and performance criteria can generate tremendous stress, feelings of rejection and anger at perceived or real failure. Sometimes teens need extra support in addition to a good relationship with their parents to help them successfully transition through adolescence. Talk to one of our Adolescent Therapy Specialists to see how they may be able to help you help your teen.